Used to work great. New version freezes and is unusable. I cant take any readings.
Used to work great. New version freezes and is unusable. I cant take any readings.
Trashed all functions on BP and Scale 6-10 no change Still no functions working. This is not a toy and is critical for health purposes. Get your act straight and do not release updates until properly tested
Just tried the new update. In my opinion it will go to a four star and with a couple fixes on the off/on switch on to five.
Latest version now works on my iPhone 6. Lock ups have stopped and our scales are talking to the wifi again. Thanks Quardio!
Latest update no longer freezes but measurements are no longer reporting to apple health with integration on and source allowed to write and read.
It works again! Doesnt save data to HeathKit until after next time app is opened though.
Unfortunately even with the update today it freezes right after I click on the app icon. It goes to the page "choose your device" and freezes. This app was great until the updates! Very disappointing.
I used to like this app - the tool was reasonably accurate and easy to use. Since the update to the application, it is unusable. The program freezes and I can no longer monitor my BP. Far to expensive to be useless.
After the recent firmware update, the scale started working again (though I had to completely reset it). But the main issue is still there - it adds around 10 kg to my weight, and therefore, its useless. There should be a way to calibrate the scale.
The interface with the Apple Health app still has a bug. Takes a long time for data to transfer, if at all, and sometimes data posts multiple times.
This app and the blood pressure device were working fine until an update caused it to stop working. Now I cant get a reading; the app just becomes totally unresponsive.
Apple Health syncing is broken. More stars when its fixed.
Good well with Blood Pressure device.....since my wife and I both use it, it would be better if it would save the user ID for quicker access. Like the convenience of having the BP device when traveling.
The only way to get the BP data into Apple Health is to log out of app and log back in. Keep promising fix but never happens. Of all the apps I use Qardio is consistently buggy through the various upgrades, why not test before releasing
Why wouldnt they just have a power on/off button? I keep wrapping and unwrapping the device as instructed, but it still wont turn on in my phone. It worked really well on Day 1, but on day 2, Im thinking of returning it. Im saddened, because I personally think it could potentially be a lifesaver.
Man muss sofort ein Konto erstellen sonnst klappt nichts! Schrott
Id really like to give this app 5 stars but there is a bug in the software that has caused the History data to be unavailable, then available for one day, and then totally unavailable again. Repeated emails to "support" to resolve this issue have gone unanswered. Until this critical bug gets fixed three stars is a generous rating. Im upgrading my rating to five stars now as the software issues have been resolved. Now a great piece of software to accompany a great peice of hardware.
Spotty Bluetooth Hard to read graph Difficult to email data
Fantastic app for a fantastic product
Cant use my device as app opens then crashes. Not happy!! Great update, I had no issues before